Friday, December 23, 2011

Join Topic Post: Boys and Butts

Joint Post : Topic: Boys we know/Butts of boys we know.
(Kate is writing on a piece of paper which i'll type in- I get the computer! I gave us 5 minutes on an egg timer. Here is the results)
Nick - Cuteness/Hotness/Yummyness : 1000000 out of 10. Like, yummy(sorry- super super cute boys make my brain turn to tapioca.) Brown hair, curling a bit - CHECK Super cute lips - CHECK Overall super cute boy i'd kill to kiss and date, the subject of all my wishes? - CHECK.
No, i'm not obsessed!
Will - 3. There was a time when I had a crush on him, but now I see him as what he is : An immature child whom broke my brother's favorite toy whom you can't even call a friend whom is your best friends puppy in puppy love.

And, added at request of I:
Rating boys butts.
Nick - i've only seen him once, and I saw the front, but he probably has a super cute butt.
Will - Ah, okay butt. Not super-cute, but not super-bad either. (Note from Kate: yea i like nick too! plus i saw him first! plus you have only seen him twice at activity's i took you to! so here's my point! if anyone gets dibs on him it's me! I have known him ever since i can i have had a crush on him for about a year...*blush*) (Reply from Emma: Twice is enough. He loves me. I can tell. We share brain waves. Now shoo.) (Reply from Kate: ( Uh Huh! i betcha if we asked him he would say neither! witch is actually sad for both of us... oh well it's not like we are getting married anytime soon! <3)

And here is Kate's(typed by moi, Emma, as I love typing, and make Kate surrender the keyboard.) :

As Emma said, we'll be discussing two boys. I figured I would discuss Nick first.
He's tall.
Has cute freckles.
Plus has a reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllly cute butt
(Typed by Kate:)
and i have had a crush on him for almost a year! (as i said in the last note.)
(Note from Emma: Do you know this from experience? *insert suggestive wink here* Kate hates these... so I probably won't be doing them anymore... do you guys like my notes? If so, maybe we can all sign a virtual petition or something. =D)
(Back to me typing:)
Yeah, I also have a crush on Will - I have a crush on two boys!
Reasons I like Will:
He is funny.
He makes me laugh with his stupid, idiotic jokes.
And sometimes I think he tries to make me look at his super-cute butt.

So, bye from Emma and Kate!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

Hi from Kate!

Hi from Kate(and sort of Emma, as Emma edits the blogpost and Kate dictates. Just saying.)!
Again, i'm still new to blog posting, so I don't have much to say. Emma and I are going to do a joint blog post in a few minutes on a random subject, we'll do this once a week, sometimes I won't be able to participate, but amazing Emma(note from Emma: Gee, you can't tell i'm editing this :p) will find some way.

O.K.! i think i will type most of my blog posts from now on. so as i was saying, and emma typing. i may not always be able to come on, but i will try my best! Again i don't know what to say.

Hi from Emma!

Yo, Emma here, or Emma in da house or whatevs.
Yeah, I fail at trying to talk like a cool person.
So scratch that,
Hey, i'm Emma.
Currently: listening to Kate play my out of tune piano. Give it a rest, you won't tune the thing by playing it!
Wishing: that I was an only child- my little sister, Raine, is as annoying as ants in pants. Like, not ants wearing blue jeans(that would be awesome- but they'd need a heck of a tailor) ants IN your pants. And not when they are on the hanger, when they are on your bu-
Scratch that.
Raine is as annoying as ants in your underwear. When they are on your body.
Kate'll probably be updating in a few minutes, when she stops 'playing' (in a sense) the piano.
Kidding, Kate's a good piano player, just on a suckish piano.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hi from Emma and Kate!

Hello! I'm Emma, and me and my friend Kate are here, and decided to start a blog.. so this is our introductory post, so we'll both say a bit about ourselves, starting with me!

Hi! I'm Emma, and i've done a blog before, but it didn't really get noticed, so I semi-quit it and joined this one in replacement... i'm odd, wacky, and crazy, but for some reason people still read blog posts I write... a very low number, mostly my family, but hey, it counts!

Hi! I'm Kate, and I hope you enjoy this blog! It's the first blog i've ever done, to be truthful, before now, I never even knew what a blog was(note from Emma: she doesn't know what a first kiss is, either) so this should be fun!
We are currently trying to make a music video on youtube- anyone have a camcorder they wanna give us? xD